Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Haven for the Wilcox Tribe--Reunion 2011

I hope you had as much fun as we did over the past 9 days of reunion and family visits.  Even though we tuckered out a few times, we're so thankful we revive quickly.  We hope you have too.  We appreciate how you pitched in and helped with clean up, and making it fun for each other's children.  It's always great to have such crazy, fun aunts and uncles, when it comes to reunions.  I remember how Uncle Keith and Aunt Suzi used to make the Wilcox reunions so fun for you kids.

Thanks again to Amy and Andrew for organizing this year's reunion.  There was lots for the kids to do: crafts, swimming, games, and just playing together.  I know it took a lot of preparation, but you really worked together as a team, and made it all pull together.  

It did my heart good to look across the field after the family photos seeing all the bright spots of yellow bobbing all over the grass. 

I love how the shirts turned out, and the reminder of everyone's name.  I may need that some day!  One of these days I'm going to make a reunion T-shirt quilt. If any of you want one in the future, start saving your shirts.
Anthony and Ashley stayed over an extra day and went to the Voices of San Juan Pageant with us Wed. night.  Unfortunately, it had rained out the dress rehersal the night before, so the performance we saw that night had lots of problems, but still lots of potential -- just like us.  We went again last night, and it had improved about 200%, and it was a beautiful night. 

We are lucky we went swimming as a family when we did, because this week they changed the family swim time from 1-5.  We tried to go later again with Anthony's family, and weren't able to.  I guess thre is a shortage of lifeguards. 

I did get the swatch books edited, switched around (finally) and reordered yesterday. I hope everyone's name and date is OK now. Tammy helped with with some final editing. I don't know if you've seen it yet, but I wrote about reunions in this week's column, so our hiking picture is in the newspaper -- one of the hazards of having a mother who's a writer.

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